Tony Lo Bianco, who played the beloved role of Sal Boca in the hit film ‘The French Connection,” has died at the age of 87. Lo...
Tom Bower, who acted in the beloved film ‘Die Hard 2,’ has reportedly died at the age of 86. Bower also acted in the hit television...
Actress, singer, and dancer Janis Paige, best known for her role as Babe in “The Pajama Game” on Broadway, passed away of natural causes at her home in...
‘Survivor,’ a show which has dominated the airwaves for several decades now as one of the most prominent reality television shows of all time, has been...
Maria De Aragon, who played ‘Greedo’ in the Star Wars series, has reportedly died at the age of 81. Unfortunately, the actress was an uncredited contributor...
Colin Gibb, who was the lead singer for the novelty pop band ‘Black Lace‘, has died at the age of 70. The band’s most notable success...
Actor Al Pacino, who played Michael Corleone in the hit film series ‘The Godfather’ recently paid tribute to producer Albert S. Ruddy, who helped produce the...
Johnny Wactor, an actor on the television drama ‘General Hospital’ has reportedly been fatally wounded by a shooting that took place in Los Angeles today. Little...
Oscar-winning Disney composer Richard Sherman, who, along with his brother Robert, was the first-ever in-house songwriter for Disney Studios, passed away this week at the age of 95. Throughout his tenure at Disney, Sherman was engaged in...
Oscar-winning producer Fred Roos, best known for producing the hit 1974 film “The Godfather Part II” and for helping stars like Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise launch their...