Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Former Republican Lt. Gov. Nominee Speaks Out Against Larry Hogan Ahead Of Senate Primary

Picture of By Troy Smith

By Troy Smith

Gordana Schifanelli is an attorney, and was the Republican Lieutenant Governor nominee in the 2022 Election. Just ahead of the Republican Primaries in Maryland scheduled for May 14th, Schifanelli is publicly railing against Senate candidate, and former Governor Larry Hogan. 

Hogan is currently vying to be Maryland’s next Senator as a Republican after serving 8 years as Governor, 8 years that former Republican Lt. Governor nominee Gordana Schifanelli said were “extremely tough” for Marylanders. 

“Larry Hogan destroyed Maryland’s economy during the COVID-19 pandemic,”

Former Lt. Governor Nominee Gordana Schifanelli

“While citizens and businesses flourished in States like Florida, Maryland was strangled by Governor Hogan. Electing Hogan to the U.S. Senate would be a tremendous mistake. He is suffering from the Trump Derangement Syndrome and would not serve the interests of Marylanders. We have seen how radical and misguided his policies have been for us”, she added.

Hogan has faced scrutiny during the 2024 election cycle for a damning report highlighting Administration officials appointed by the former Governor who have been convicted of child sex crimes. Hogan even harbored a pedophile in his home, per a Washington Post report.

Schifanelli, who was tasked with shouldering a majority of the workload in defeating Hogan-endorsed candidate Kelly Schulz in the 2022 Republican gubernatorial race due to her running mate Dan Cox’s choice to remain in the legislature where he served as Delegate, says that she is “all too familiar” with what she described as Hogan’s “dirty tricks”.

“He pretends to be a Republican,” Schifanelli said, “He wants to fool Maryland Republicans into believing that, if elected to the Senate, he will not inflict the same unconstitutional torture upon the people of Maryland that he did as Governor. He will. Hogan’s track record of putting Marylanders last speaks for itself,” the former Republican Lt. Governor nominee told Slingshot News.

“Hogan didn’t only lock down Marylanders,” she added. “He also successfully worked with Democrats to undermine our Second Amendment with unconstitutional red flag gun confiscation laws and allowed criminal gangs like MS-13 to ravage through our counties. It seems that the entire state of Maryland under Hogan turned out to be the sanctuary state for illegal migrants”.

Schifanelli gained notoriety in 2020 through her activism in Queen Anne’s County, where she spearheaded a common sense takeover of the local school board.

With children in the Queen Anne’s County school system, Schifanelli worked tirelessly to elect her husband, Marc Schifanelli, as President of the Queen Anne’s County schoolboard. Marc Schifanelli is also a former U.S. Army Special Forces counter intelligence officer.

Once elected, Schifanelli assisted her husband in pushing common sense education reforms. As a result, Queen Anne’s County remains one of the most successful school systems in the State of Maryland. 

Per USNews, Queen Anne’s County boasts a 35.3 college readiness score, making it one of the most successful counties in the State.

After being defeated in the general election with Gubernatorial nominee Dan Cox, Schifanelli has stepped away from politics, opting instead to spend time working for her family-owned lawfirm Schifanelli Law, as well as spending time with her family and beloved dog Chip. 

In addition to railing against the former Governor in her interview with Slingshot News, Schifanelli is also a consistent critic of Hogan on Twitter/X.

In one of her most recent posts in response to Governor Hogan, Schifanelli wrote,

“Did you know that this particular election season Marylanders refused to go to the polls and vote EARLY. Catastrophic low turnout. It may be because of you and your divisive rhetoric – you and your ****pin smear news agency.”

Gordana Schifanelli On Twitter

Her account, which has over 7,400 followers, has become extremely popular with Conservatives in the State of Maryland. Schifanelli comments on political hot-button issues, also posting pictures of herself with her dog.

Schifanelli asserted to Slingshot News that her vocal stance against former Governor is only to protect the people of Maryland, who the former Lt. Governor nominee says are in “imminent danger” with the possibility of Hogan being elected to the U.S. Senate. 

No stranger to being in danger, Schifanelli fled war-torn Yugoslavia in the late-1990s. She escaped with her husband of 20+ years. Together they have raised a family of three boys.

“I’m grateful for this country and the wonderful opportunities I have been provided here,” Schifanelli said, “and that is why I feel the necessity to speak out and educate people who find themselves confused with radical agenda promoted by the American socialist elitists.”

“I came to this country for freedom, and I enjoyed that precious freedom until Lockdown Larry Hogan decided that our Constitution was null-and-void.”

“He robbed millions of opportunities; permanently shut down small businesses and with that record he has no business in politics, she added, “under no circumstance should Maryland Republicans cast their vote for a man who destroyed their lives,” the attorney stated. 

“Hogan, who has spent his time trashing Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump, would represent a rebirth of the anti-Trump movement in the U.S. Senate. His election would be catastrophic for Republicans nationwide, and especially for any Republican who supports President Trump,” Schifanelli warned. 

One thing is for certain. With the Republican Primaries just days away, the Maryland Republican Party seems to be split entirely. 

When asked who she supports in the Senate Republican Primary, Schifanelli said that she supports Robin Ficker, a fellow attorney who has based a large majority of his campaign on his support of former President Donald Trump.

Also challenging Hogan for the nomination is John Myrick, a contractor at the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Defense, Lorie Friend, a registered nurse from Western Maryland, and Chris Chaffee, who won the Republican nomination for Senate in 2022, and finished in second place in the 2020 Republican Senate Primary.

Despite turmoil within the Republican Primary, sources within the Hogan campaign have told Slingshot News that Hogan expects to ‘walk away’ with the May 14th Primary without objection.

“There is no difference between Hogan and a Democrat,” Schifanelli emphasized when informed about what our source exclusively told us, “in fact, a ‘Senator Hogan’ would be far worse than a Democrat,” she added. 

“Larry Hogan would vote for open borders. Larry Hogan would vote to continue endless foreign wars. Larry Hogan would vote for another potential future Trump impeachment. Larry Hogan would serve the Chuck Schumer agenda,” Schifanelli asserted.

With the Maryland Republican Primary just days away, it will be more than interesting to see how many Republicans in the State of Maryland who support Donald Trump will vote for the anti-Trump Hogan.


2 Responses

  1. Hogan is the epitome of what is wrong with the GOP in the US. He isn’t really a Republican but somehow gets propped up by the MD GOP. There are plenty of other RINO’s across the country (ie Mitt Romney). It is time to do away with the 2 party system because in reality there is only 1 party-the Uniparty. None of our political leaders really care about their constituents. They only care about keeping their power and becoming filthy rich off taxpayers.

  2. I voted yesterday and couldn’t bring myself to vote to Larry Hogan. I live in Baltimore City where the corruption has resulted in factors that include families leaving because property taxes are high and school performance is low while youth crime is at an all time high. We own our house outright and shouldn’t be the ones forced to either leave elsewhere or be locked down by extremists like Larry Hogan, ever again. We are in a severe crisis in Baltimore City.

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