In January of 2024, Fox News among others reported that billionaire Democrat megadonor George Soros had started focusing on one State in particular heading into the 2024 Election. It wasn’t New York, or California, or even a ‘purple’ State like Florida. Soros chose to focus his 2024 donations on the traditionally Republican State of Texas.
Texas has seen a shrinking Republican majority over the last several election cycles. In the last four Presidential election cycles, Texas has seen the Republican vote recede from an over 14 point lead in 2008 to just a 5.7 point lead in 2020.
For the first time in a long time, Texas is a legitimate battleground State in the 2024 Election. With 40 Electoral College votes, Texas may well decide the winner of the 2024 Presidential election, marking a tremendous amount of responsibility on the Republican Party of Texas.
Unfortunately, under its current leadership, the Texas GOP has failed to protect its dwindling majority.
Slingshot News, while attending a virtual town hall for Matt Mackowiak, a candidate for Texas GOP Chair, learned that the current leadership of the Texas GOP, including Chair Matt Rinaldi, has failed to advance any initiatives to register new Republican voters in the State of Texas.
Particularly because of the mass influx of new residents in Texas, with over 1 million people having moved to the State since 2020, the fact that the Texas GOP has done nothing in regards to recruiting new Republican voters is perhaps the reason why Republicans continue to lose ground in the State.
Participants in that virtual Town Hall attended by a Slingshot News correspondent bemoaned a lack of organization, fundraising, and initiative with current GOP leadership. Members of the Texas GOP seem eager for a change in leadership.
A Change In Republican Leadership In Texas
Next week, members of the Texas Republican Party will meet to elect new leadership in San Antonio, Texas. Matt Mackowiak, who is the current chairman of the Travis County GOP, as well as a political operative, is seeking election as the new chairman of the Republican Party of Texas.
Among the many changes Mackowiak promised to bring to the Texas GOP, the Travis County GOP chair asserted that he has already received $2.6 Million in pledges to the Texas GOP if he is elected as chairman next week. That total includes a donation from the Texas Congressional Coalition.
Mackiowiak touted that he has raised over $5 Million in Austin for various political causes.
Mackowiak Endorsed By Roger Stone
The purpose of last night’s Town Hall was to announce that Matt Mackowiak has been endorsed by President Donald Trump’s longest serving adviser Roger Stone. Stone has been a friend and adviser to the former President for over 45 years. Just ahead of the Texas GOP convention next week, Stone’s endorsement is sure to add fuel to an already explosive race.
Stone spoke on the virtual Town Hall meeting, proclaiming that he is “worried about the trendline” of Texas heading into the 2024 Election. Stone asserted that Republican Party is making gains with hispanic voter nationwide, including Texas, “the problem is,” Stone said, “that Hispanic voters who get their news in Spanish are voting overwhelmingly Democrat.”
Stone outlined what he proclaimed to be an extremely important initiative of advertising Republican messages to Hispanic voters who get their news and information through Spanish speaking channels. Mackowiak acknowledged and agreed that the program would be useful and effective in Texas.
“Texas must be watched carefully,” Stone warned.
A Focus On Trump, Cruz, And Fundraising
During his time speaking on the call, Mackowiak emphasized the importance of increasing former President Trump’s margin of victory in the State (which fell at 5.7%) in 2024, as well as getting Senator Ted Cruz re-elected. The aspiring Texas GOP chair declared these to be his top priorities.
Third, Mackowiak stated that he intends to focus mainly on fundraising. He additionally stated that he would be recruiting lawyers for every county in Texas, coordinating Party election integrity efforts with former President Trump and RNC.
Joining the call towards the end was Representative Michael Burgess, who represents Texas’ 26th Congressional district. Burgess lent his support to Mackowiak for Texas GOP chair, echoing the sentiments of Roger Stone in declaring his wariness of what lies ahead for Texas politics.
Burgess recalled the 2018 Election as where he believed the real downturn had begun.
As Texas heads for a leadership change, it appears that Matt Mackowiak is picking up steam, and endorsements. Matt Rinaldi, who currently holds the position, is not seeking re-election.
Mackowiak will square off against Dana Myers, Ben Armenta, and Abraham George.