A woman who is a native of Jacksonville Florida has quietly become perhaps the most powerful and mysterious Republican political operative in the 2024 Presidential campaign.
Susie Wiles, daughter of legendary sportscaster Pat Summerall, from Jacksonville has quietly helmed big Republican wins for Donald Trump, Senator Rick Scott, and Governor Ron DeSantis, and now again former President Donald Trump. Wiles is Donald Trump’s co-campaign manager with respected veteran Republican strategist and operative Chris LaCivita. The team is bolstered by James Blair, who serves simultaneously as the political director for the Trump presidential campaign as well as Republican national committee.
Jacksonville’s Susie Wiles Helms The Trump Campaign
Wiles made an entrance to politics working for Ronald Reagan against George H.W. Bush and the establishment Republican side in the 1980 Republican Presidential Primary.

In 1988 Wiles worked for Reagan Conservative and Californian Jack Kemp, even though George H.W. Bush’s campaign attempted to recruit her for a role.
2010 Florida Gubernatorial Election
In 2010, insurgent Rick Scott, a multi-millionaire in the healthcare and hospital business and self-funding outsider upset Republican establishment favorite Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum. Because Scott had run on an anti-establishment reform pledge with an expensive media campaign it fell on Wiles to pull together an organization to successfully get the controversial businessman, who plead the fifth amendment 55 times during an investigation into his hospital chain’s medicaid practices across the finish line, across the finish line. Wiles is largely credited with Republican pollster and strategist Tony Fabrizo with winning the gubernatorial election for Rick Scott in 2010, defeating Democrat Alex Sink by over 62,000 votes.
2016 Trump Campaign
In 2016, when most Florida Republican were choosing between former Governor Jeb Bush and Senator Marco Rubio, Wiles was enthused about Trump after a New York City meeting with the New York billionaire. Wiles was recruited to run Trump’s Florida general election campaign against Hillary Clinton.
Respected Florida observers credit Trump’s narrow win over Clinton in Florida to Wiles deft management skills.
Coming off of the success of her involvement with the Trump campaign in the State of Florida, Wiles was once again recruited by former Governor Rick Scott to assist in his campaign for U.S. Senate.
2018 U.S. Senate Race
Funding his own campaign to the tune of $75 Million, once again being the outside in the race, Rick Scott defeated incumbent Senator Bill Nelson in the 2018 Senate race. This time, Wiles had assisted in unseating an incumbent Senator who had held office for 18 years, a tremendous political feat.
U.S. Senator Rick Scott endorsed Donald Trump’s 2024 Presidential bid in November of 2023.
Saving Ron DeSantis
In 2018, President Donald Trump’s tweeted endorsement catapulted virtual unknown Ron DeSantis to the Florida Republican gubernatorial nomination over Party favorite agriculture commissioner Adam Putnam, Trump asked Wiles to step in and right what was a rocky general election campaign against Democrat nominee and Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, whose career would later crash when he was exposed in a sex and drug scandal.
DeSantis had little money, and was critiqued by Florida political insiders as having little-to-no campaign structure, poor organization, and an overall lack of professionalism. When DeSantis accused his opponent Gillum of wanting to “monkey up” the Florida economy with tax increases, DeSantis’ comments were widely condemned as ‘racist.’
DeSantis was also having trouble raising money against Republican establishment favorite agriculture commissioner Adam Putnam. Multiple respected polls showed that DeSantis’ support languished in single digits.
DeSantis, who had not actually ever endorsed Trump in 2016, and had run for re-election insisting that “just because we are on the same ticket does not mean I support Trump.”
DeSantis then cannily emerged as a vocal defender of Trump on the Fox TV and the Conservative talk show circuit in the Russian collusion battle.
Falling back on his experience as a Military prosecutor, DeSantis caught the President’s eye. In the end, however, it was not Ron DeSantis, but Congressman Matt Gaetz who convinced Trump to issue the fateful tweeted endorsement that would propel DeSantis to the Republican Governor’s nomination, and the Governor’s mansion. Gaetz had a longtime grudge against Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam who he felt had slighted him when Gaetz was a State legislature and he approached the Agriculture Commissioner about a constituent matter.
Realizing that the DeSantis campaign would need to be stabilized, President Trump deployed Susie Wiles to take control of the floundering DeSantis campaign.

Once again, as she has throughout her career, Wiles won. She guided Governor Ron DeSantis to a shockingly razor-thin victory in the State of Florida.
Wiles worked to raise money for Ron DeSantis, organizing his political apparatus.
Betrayed By Ron DeSantis
In a move that many thought displayed a tremendous lack of loyalty, DeSantis abruptly fired Wiles in 2019. DeSantis fired Wiles from his PAC, from her position on the Republican State Central Committee, and even got Wiles fired from the Trump re-election campaign.
Sources told Slingshot.news that DeSantis pressured Brian Ballard, the owner of Ballard and Associates to fire her from her position at that public affairs firm.
Neither Wiles nor Governor DeSantis or his wife has ever explained what caused their abrupt decision to sever their ties with Susie Wiles. At the time, veteran political strategist Roger Stone, who lives in South Flrofia told Politco that DeSantis will “regret the day he fired Susie Wiles.”
Rising Like A Phoenix
Trump would reach out to Wiles in 2021 to return as his Chief of Staff. Wiles has presided over Trump’s management of both the tsunami of lawfare against him as well as the successful launch of his Presidential campaign, including record victories in the Iowa Caucuses (where he tripled the margin of the previous record holder, Senator Bob Dole of Kansas, winning with more than 30%) as well as smashing victories in the New Hampshire Primary, the South Carolina Primary, and Super Tuesday.
Although polls in 2022 showed DeSantis leading Trump for the 2024 nomination, Trump easily dispatched his Florida rival.

Astute Florida political observers told Slingshot News that it was Wiles’ intimate knowledge of the weaknesses and flaws of Governor Ron Desantis and his wife that allowed Trump to run his aggressive campaign against his former protege who he then called “DeSanctimonious.”
Trump media critics like Bloomberg, CNN, and Vanity Fair have noted that under Wiles’ leadership Trump’s campaign has been orderly, disciplined, and cost effective, unlike his famously chaotic campaigns in 2016 and 2020.
Wiles herself is known for her low profile. She generally avoids ‘on the record’ press interviews and it is a feature of this year’s Trump campaign that the campaign does not leak.
Wiles remains a deeply private person who eschews the spotlight, and rarely speaks to reporters on the record. She is passionate about our need for clean, pure, nutritious food, and is involved with activist Calley Means in advocating for natural food and opposing genetically modified fruits and vegetables.
Susie is the daughter of legendary sportscaster Pat Summerall. Summerall famously overcame acute alcoholism through the redemption of his faith in God. In his book, Summerall: On and Off the Air, he wrote about his faith and his recovery from alcoholism saying “My thirst for alcohol was replaced by a thirst for knowledge about faith and God. I began reading the Bible regularly at the Betty Ford treatment center, and it became a part of my daily life.”
Summerall credited a letter from his daughter Susie with being the catalyst behind his redemption in Christ.
Jacksonville’s Susie Wiles is a woman to be reckoned with in the 2024 Presidential campaign.
3 Responses
Susan essentially told Politico – “Trump’s a swell guy if you only knew him like I do”. I look forward to her being thrown on the Trump trash heap like so many others. It couldn’t happen to a nicer witch. These people are despicable and disgusting.
What’s despicable are the lies Democrats tell and their willingness to lie and cheat to win to remain in power. They know Biden is not up to being President but they prop him up anyway. They don’t care about America one little bit.
If it weren’t for the MSM #46 would not be Joe Biden, but the lying, covering up, Russia, Russia, that’s not his laptop. Well it was his laptop, he was taking money from Ukraine, China, Russia and who knows who else that is on another laptop. He has sex with little girls, yes children, and they are doing nothing about it.
Ashley Biden her diary is real, her father Joe was molesting her and no one has done anything about it.
But Donald Trump is constantly dealing with accusations, E. Jeane Carroll can’t remember anything about the incident but she was awarded millions, really. It goes on, and on and on. The real criminals, just like out on the streets are free and anyone who doesn’t want to follow the way they say is going to jail. 🍌Republic